Where can I find more information on IT and patient safety recommended by Catalan Health System?
I am interested in finding more information on IT and patient safety recommended by Catalan Health System?
SecureHospitals Answered question
Dear Marc,
the webpage on IT applications of CatSalut – Generalitat de Catalunya, is a good resource of information about patient safety when using IT technologies.: https://catsalut.gencat.cat/ca/proveidors-professionals/portal-aplicacions
Also, other good references are found in:
http://seguretatdelspacients.gencat.cat/en/detalls/noticia/Limpacte-de-la-tecnologia-de-la-informacio-sobre-la-seguretat-del-pacient http://seguretatdelspacients.gencat.cat/en/detalls/noticia/tecnologies-informacio-seguretat-pacients
SecureHospitals Answered question